Learn how to bet on NHL Player Props today in this short video. We'll use Outlier's NHL Prop tool to find and analyze Points props.
How are Player Points Calculated in the NHL?
Player points in the NHL are determined by adding the goals plus assists for any player. Betting on Point props is simply just taking the over or under on any combination of assists and goals to reach the total points. You can also bet on season long total point futures.
In order to win betting NHL player props, you'll need to understand the matchup, usage, lineups, opposition ranks and much more.
Pay special attention to these stats that affect total point props:
- Expected minutes
- Shots on goal
- Goals
- Home vs away stats
- Rest days or injuries
- Powerplay data
- Assists
- Defensive Rank (in aggregate and against a position)
- and more!
Once you understand all the data that's available to you, you'll begin to win more NHL player props today!